A story of passions and flavors in perfect Made in Italy style

From 194 the Bottega Pisani produces delights destined to reach all over the world. With freshness and quality.

Discover the most beloved.

Bottega Pisani makes Italian and artisan products that are delivered in all over the world.

Fondant 200 gr

Almonds 200 gr

Pistachio 200 gr

Hazelnuts 200 gr

Tartella Sacher pistachio 120gr

Delicious Almond and Orange 120gr

Tartella Sacher 120gr

Delicious Cocoa and Chocolate 120gr

Delicious Coconut and Fondant 120gr

Sincerity in the taste

We use more than 30% of dried fruit in every preparation. NO PRESERVATIVES, NO PALM OIL.

That’s why our products, even after 75 years, are artisanal, handcrafted and do not follow industrial processes.

A "handmade" story. The new homemade pastries have a great value: they melt in your mouth!

Products in the heart of Italy

Bottega Pisani Bottega Pisani works in the wonderful South of Italy. It is here that he creates his masterpieces of pastry with the typical quality of Made in Italy, using only first choice ingredients.

Our Clients

About Us

"I was there in 1948 in Ischia, the scent of the pastries of the Bottega Pisani is the same as today. For me they are the best ever"
"When I need a cuddle, Bottega Pisani cheers me up with the palate and the day. Just a bite and you immediately feel the best quality in the world"
"In my pastry shop all the fillings of Italian croissants are made with spreads by Bottega Pisani. I always have a line at the counter, I wouldn’t change it!"


Of good Italian dried fruit in every Bottega Pisani product


Treats baked in 75 years.
We count them one by one!


new person in love with Bottega Pisani products every day!